Thursday, October 23, 2014

Why Ghostbusters? featuring Rondal Scott of Strange Kids Club

Okay, we are late into the 30 days and this is the first guest spot. In fact, the 30 overall days has had a couple of hiccups with some missing holes. Have no fear, some of our featured articles have no been able to go up on schedule but they will. Take my word, when it comes to the end there will be 30 posts of Ghostbusters related goodness.

With "Why Ghostbusters?" I wanted a place for guest contributors to come and explore their love of the Ghostbusters franchise. Of all the people I wanted to get for these pieces, Mr. Rondal Scott of Strange Kids Club was high on the list.

Strange Kid and his creator, Rondal Scott III (Image by Strange Kids Club)

 Let me go ahead and say right now, if you are unaware of Strange Kids Club then stop right now and visit the site this minute.

I'll wait. Welcome back, enjoy the ride? Strange Kids Club was founded around 2009 as a clubhouse for sharing the very cool and nostalgic world online. Not specializing in any one specific topic, Strange Kids Club covers a wide range of pop culture news and finds while acting as a landing zone for...well, strange kids. They're also responsible for one of my favorite pieces of Ghostbusters art.

Vlad Rodriguez. 18 x 24.
Besides the print, they have also produced GB stickers, GB shirts, and even featured 'The Real Ghostbusters' in their SK Magazine Issue #3.
Art by David Guerra. SK Magazine Available Here.
So to say SKC has a love affair with Ghostbusters is putting it mildly. I reached out to Rondal, the Editor-in-Chief and head of the madhouse, and asked him if he could put into words his love and admiration for the busters of any G-H-O-S-T. In his own words, here is Rondal.


"I can't honestly remember the first time I saw Ghostbusters, but it wasn't until just recently that I had the chance to catch it on the big screen and, man, what a thrill! Sitting there in the theater as the camera follows that poor librarian around The New York Public Library, leading up to the first spectral scare, was a truly magical experience. Suddenly, Ray Parker, Jr.'s "Ghostbusters" song starts blaring in surround sound and I found myself singing along to every word. In fact, I ended up quoting along with the entire movie."

"It's hard to define why this film (or it's theme song) elicits such an uplifting response for me, but it's sort of like taking a dip in some positively-charged mood slime. If I had to guess, I would say it has everything to do with the cast. The chemistry that Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis and Hudson (not to mention Weaver, Moranis and Potts) share on screen make what could have been a forgettable 80s comedy into an endearing cultural milestone that we (the fans) continue to find new ways to enjoy 30 years later. They are the Ghostbusters."

Thanks Rondel for being a part of our 30 Days of Ghostbusters. You know reside in the heart of the Culturally Significant! archives for years to come.
Another Victim of the CultSig! Slime Pit

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