Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Culturally Significant! Christmas Special

So, it's Christmas. The truth of the matter is that while other blogs have crafted huge tributes to the holiday we here at CultSig! have chosen to take the holidays to relax while we craft our end of the year reviews.

That being said I couldn't let Christmas go by without producing something special so I ecided to share one of my seasonal traditions: watching Mystery Science Theater.

Saturday morning memories

While others always make a point to watch 'Die Hard' or 'National Lampoons Christmas Vacation' (which I do as well, as well as 'He-man and She-ra Christmas') I choose to celebrate the season with the immortal classic 'Santa Claus Conquers the Martians'.

While the pure insanity of this film without MST3K is enjoyable enough it's the entire episode, the first real Christmas episode the team made, that makes it essential holiday watching for me.

Rather then explain everything that is amazing about the MST3K Christmas special I would like to foucs on arguably the best thing ever: Crow's Let's Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas.

Where and when Crow became such a Swayze fan is unknown, but thank the Mads that he was because it lead to this soon-to-be standard. So, from our hearts to yours, we at Culturally Significant! present this Christmas present of the song's lyrics (with Crow's fan art).

Thank you all for making Culturally Significant!'s first year a special one and we promise more to come in 2014. One last parting gift we want to give to you is the entirety of MST3K's Santa Claus Conquers the Martians for viewing below. Make yourself a nice piping cup of coco spiked with Moonshine and enjoy the holidays.

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