Hello New York!
Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, and Kate McKinnon in Ghostbusters (2016)
A preface: This is my first post here. Woo! In short, I am an 80's/Sci-Fi/Superhero movie fan with a strong emphasis and way too much knowledge on Ghostbusters, Back the the Future, Bill & Ted, Doctor Who and a number of other properties. Ghostbusters is extremely special and I've been watching it longer than I am able to remember. As a kid I walked around in a Ghostbusters jumpsuit with my plastic proton pack, carrying my Kenner figures and Ecto-1, and strictly called my mother Egon for some reason. In 28 years, only the calling my mom Egon thing has changed.
But enough about me, on to the main subject, a bit of excitement from yesterday!
(Note: some of my post was previously posted in the comments of our We Got One trailer release post yesterday. Sorry if you've read any of this already)